Table Tennis Discipline

Table Tennis Discipline makes a difference?

I’m currently leading an Easter Table Tennis Training Camp in Malta. At the HiTT Academy in Valletta run by world-renowned TT coach Mario Genovese.

The moment I stepped into the training hall, I instantly noticed something extra special!

Let me paint the picture for you before I reveal what I felt is special.

The Club:

  • Has one main hall, with six tables
  • Two other small areas where you have one table and potentially 1 or 2 tables area but it’s mainly used for physicals.
  • Back run space is very small only close to the table play is possible, unless you reduce the number of tables and manoeuvred them lengthways.
  • The hall is underground which gets humid and dusty.
  • The hall is limited in usage due to it being a school hall.
  • The lights are poor

The list can be continued but I’ll leave it there because it’s a taste as to what the players deal with.


Today the hall had some building work and naturally, there was plenty of frustrating noises. Nevertheless, training continued and this is where I must admit I’m yet to have coached a more disciplined group of youngsters & adults.

Special attitude and Table Tennis discipline:

On my arrival, I was warmly greeted and respected instantly which made me feel empowered to give them my best. I gathered the players for a physical warm up and it was beautiful watching them gracefully go through the routine; No cheating, no talking, no arguing when one person got in someone’s way by mistake, it was just bliss!

A did my usual group chat prior to our training and each player aged 7 upwards was fully attentive and responsive when directed at.

I quickly realised why this club is the most successful club on the Island by a country mile and then it hit home, why the leading TT nations such as; Japan, Germany, China, France, Korea are top of the tree! Table Tennis DISCIPLINE and without that special attribute you will not and can not succeed inside the sport.

Table Tennis Disciplines include:
  1. Commitment: Wanting and willing to do what is required to get results.
  2. Hard work: Willingness to; sweat, train harder, smarter and longer than others
  3. Drive: making your surroundings suit your needs and accepting certain circumstances with a will to make the most of it. Or change to a different environment in which you feel will cater for your needs.
There was not one person in the hall today who came up to me complaining, something I hear and have daily in England!

They had about 20 different things to complain about but they smiled and in many ways embraced the good fortune of having; a hall, a coach, tables, balls etc.

It’s a lesson that we must all encirclement and if we can install this kind of discipline and grateful attitude, you’re guaranteed success.

Written by Eli Baraty featuring HiTTA Malta

eBaTT�(Eli Baraty Academy of Table Tennis)
Coach Me Table Tennis�
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Written by :

Picture of Joe Har

Joe Har

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One Response

  1. In our world of abundance and instant availabillity of everything things like patience , appreciation and respect are in danger especially for the kids who never experienced different times.
    Somehow now and then they come across ,meet coaches ,humans ,leaders who give their life direction ,guidance and most important :hope.Hope and confidence they can achieve and formulate a vision and purpose.Unfortunatelly it seems many parents and also teachers seem to be more obsessed with protecting their kids from the harsh realities of life instead of supplying them with the skillset to cope with and master any challenge they happen to choose or are faced with.
    Great there are some coaches out there who are that much more than experts in their chosen sports..!
    Their great example is reflected by their students behaviour and development no doubt.

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