Michael Gerrard, My Inspiration
Every so often I’m asked who’s your inspiration/role-model/mentor? I always answer, I try to learn from everyone but if I was to pick one. It would be Michael Gerrard, He…
Every so often I’m asked who’s your inspiration/role-model/mentor? I always answer, I try to learn from everyone but if I was to pick one. It would be Michael Gerrard, He…
I have won 1 award in my 21 years of coaching and that brought me to tears!Because I felt respected and recognised. I think it’s something we all want! Whether…
How Important is Training Your Eyes for Table Tennis?Should you train your eyes for table tennis?Most of us are truly fortunate to have eyes that work but unfortunately, we often…
I will be attending the inner game conference held by Timothy Gallwey himself in Hertfordshire University on April 29th, 2019. It's a full day packed with guest speakers and information…
Most people who play or have played know the basic rules in table tennis. If you don’t here’s a link for table tennis rules. Table tennis has and most likely…
How important are table tennis balls and do the characteristics and different ball companies, truly affect your game? The History of Table tennis balls Since I first began playing there…
Today I want to talk about personal table tennis develop. How and why you should develop your personal game. The Hook It all starts with some kind of trigger; you…
It’s a very difficult question to answer, how important are parents in table tennis, or as a sporting parent in general? Personal experience: Many know by now from previous blogs…
What is your opinion, when using smartphones in table tennis tournaments or in the training hall? 10 years ago, the most you could do with your phone was; call someone,…
The backhand flick has become one of the most used shots in table tennis. I could be wrong but I believe Dimitrij Ovtcharov, is the main person who took this…