High Quality Shots in Table Tennis


How do we develop high-quality shots in Table Tennis?
First, we must understand the difference between perception and what is actually high quality!

Perception versus reality:

There was a time when I saw others put topspin or side-spin and making the ball bend in the air (it appeared to me as the ultimate shot) back then. As I developed spin and high-quality shots, my perception changed.

My early developments included seeing a top England junior training with his coach (regular drills) and that appeared to my eyes and mind as a person who was a machine. I developed my level and the past machine became a good player in my mind. Then I saw world-class players training and playing matches and felt I could execute shots like them!

My perception changed from that’s inhuman to I can do that, (I Can do it!)

But what makes the difference between world-class players and us mere mortals?

Consistency: Top level players can execute high-quality shots consistently and most players are able to execute high-quality shots but on a reduced level of consistency.
Footwork: Top players develop dynamic movements that enable them to generate huge power and higher tension shots compared to recreational or good players
High-quality shots: When you watch a recreational player, you will rarely see high-quality shots and when it does occur they are ecstatic. A good player top 100 level in most countries will produce high-quality balls between 50%-80% of the time. Then you watch world class players (top 50 in the world level). They produce 80-90% high-quality shots and the top 10 players in the world have a percentage of 92-95% HQS.


Petras Lovas Heritage Oil Table Tennis
Picture courtesy of Roger Hance
What’s a high-quality ball?

This is a ball that has high tension; lots of spin, power, placement, width or depth, deception, height and all these balls possess high energy.
If you ever block for a world-class player, you’ll quickly notice the speed power and weight on the ball once it hits your bat. This is all because they have developed their strokes to generate all the qualities mentioned above.

How to develop high-quality shots:

If you want to be a world-class player, I advise you to watch them training live. Notice the; footwork, speed, power, agility, sound when they hit the ball, arm speed, body movements and focus on producing a high-quality ball on every shot. They are not content with a softball and aim to produce as much energy as possible regardless of stroke execution.

If you’re willing and truly want to become a top player, then you require discipline and acceptance that it requires time. Time alongside, good coaching and guidance towards excellence.

When you commit yourself towards self-development, then and only then will you get your desired vision.

Please note: any spelling or grammatical errors are due to limited revision time and in due time corrections are made.

Written by Eli Baraty

eBaTT (Eli Baraty Academy of Table Tennis)
Coach Me Table Tennis
Instagram: _elibaraty
Twitter: @elibaraty
FB: Eli Baraty
W:  www.coachmetabletennis.com
E:   [email protected]
M:  07900401144

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Picture of Joe Har

Joe Har

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