Table Tennis Balls
How important are table tennis balls and do the characteristics and different ball companies, truly affect your game? The History of Table tennis balls Since I first began playing there…
How important are table tennis balls and do the characteristics and different ball companies, truly affect your game? The History of Table tennis balls Since I first began playing there…
Table tennis evolution could possibly be greater than any other sport?! I don’t know for a fact if table tennis has evolved more than any other sport but it sure…
How I uplift my player's games by having table tennis targets on the table. I'm going to explain the benefits of my methods below. I love coaching and the more…
Most players can read table tennis spin, for example when someone cuts under the ball, they know its backspin, when they hit the side of the ball they know it’s…
Table Tennis Equipment:When I first began playing there was very limited table tennis equipment! Possibly 200 rubbers and 100 different blades (a wild guess). The main rubbers back then were…