Why I Coach Table Tennis, well it all started from�watching a film which inspired me to play table tennis. From being a player I quickly fell in love with helping and guiding others inside the sport.
The Begining:
It all starts somewhere and the initial impact can shape the direction in which we ultimately go towards. Getting hammered by every opponent was not a pleasant experience, we all experience some sort of humiliation by certain individuals for not having good skills and that can be soul destroying. I remember progressing in the sport yet at the time my level was still low and after six months of playing I remember a common theme; I would ask good players to play with me and their response would be sorry “I’m playing x,y and z maybe later! or “you’re not good enough” “I’m tired” then go off and play with someone else! there were many more excuses and it dawned on me there and then, (if I ever become a top player, I’ll play with anyone..)

We all start at the bottom, of course, some progress faster than others but in reality, our starting point is virtually the same, ‘BEGINNER’ level. I began to coach table tennis when I was 18 years old and I was fortunate to inherit a coaching job from my coach (Gideon Ashison). I soon realised that coaching is much more than just correction of strokes and game development.
Coaching gave me the opportunity to help others in their game but most importantly believe in them, something I wanted as an aspiring young player.
Today I’ve coached many national and international players simply because:
I Care
I’m Passionate
I have studied and never stop studying Table Tennis
I want to see players I coach regardless of age or level; learn, improve and achieve…
So, if you are really serious about your game, contact me so I can help you develop your table tennis.
Written by Eli Baraty
T: @elibaraty
FB: Eli Baraty
W: www.ebatt.co.uk
2 Responses
When I walking into any club, the most beautiful sound I like to hear is the sound of ping pong balls. It’s one of my favorite sounds that keep me energetic everyday.
Yes, finding suitable training partners – wow so true, it’s a real tough one!
I do believe in good clubs and coaches and when you find them, you will find good partners.
If you require any help please ask that’s what I’m here for..
All the best