Or you can have a table tennis fitness programme developed for you to work towards your peak performance.
Modern Table Tennis players don’t just play the game, they must be athletes inside the sport of table tennis. You may have the best shots but if you don’t possess the speed, power, fitness and physical conditioning, you will not be able to execute your skills at the highest level.
Guy Ben-aroya, is a physical conditioning master who has played table tennis at an international level and studied the physicals aspects required to reach peak performance. Guy has also developed his body to peak conditioning and is more than experienced in aiding you towards your sporting excellence.
Each programme is tailor-made for your specific needs and requirements, with a full assessment which caters for your specific requirements
Depending on your requirements, a personal programme starts at £150
Private 121 session:
Depending on availability and location, a 1-hour session starts at £50
As a former England Squad table tennis player and a person who took table tennis very seriously, I would like to provide my knowledge through my first-class honours degree in Sports and Exercise Science (Teaching & Coaching). I graduated in 2018 and began a masters degree, which has been put on the side for now to pursue work experience inside the industry (table tennis) that I love.
Although table tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages, skill and fitness levels, you can elevate your game by; engaging in off the table training sessions and activities specific to the game and it can help you redefine your game dramatically. I have developed many training sessions off the table which are tailored for table tennis but at the same time fun and engaging because often this kind of training is neglected.
An exercise I developed for Eli Baraty to use with his student’s – Video
Table tennis is an intermittent sport, with varying movement patterns and energetic demands. Explosive movements are performed in between rest periods. Table tennis playersrequire; high aerobic capabilities, during long tournaments and high-intensity training i.e. multiball training. Further to this, table tennis alternates between being an aerobic and anaerobic metabolism sport, due to short periods of intense play i.e. short powerful rallies.
During intense play, the ATP-PCr system is the main mechanism for recovery with glycolysis being the primary source during longer rallies. The ATP-PCr system relies on fast twitch muscle fibers (type IIb) for short burst of intense energy. The aerobic system also comes in to play, help resynthesise the anaerobic stores which aid rapid recovery. Therefore it is extremely important exercising for table tennis, the focus should be on specific areas related to the sport and more importantly individualised. Table tennis requires; agility, speed, power, strength and cardiovascular endurance and these areas should be focused on when looking to increase your table tennis performance.
“You are never really playing an opponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy”.